Right now, new players can snag a $22 no deposit bonus once you sign up. Not all casinos offer no deposit bonus codes, but Slots.LV certainly does. It's basically a way for the casino to show some good faith before you put in some of your real money. Basically, it's a code that a casino gives you that presents you with perks, whether it be cash, extra spins, free chips, and so forth, without you having to link up your bank account. If you're new to the world of online gaming, let me first address what a no deposit bonus code is. Read on to learn more about how you can get your hands on a no deposit bonus code at Slots.LV and use that to rake in big winnings! Slots.LV No Deposit Bonus Codes At Slots.LV Casino, not only do you get to reap plenty of bonuses and extras, but they also have no deposit bonus codes for you to enjoy. Arguably the most exciting part of an online casino is how much they offer new players in terms of bonuses and perks.